Sometimes it’s hard to keep up with the changes in the next versions of Java. For reminder I described main and the most useful features in Java grammar and standard library for each version between Java 9 and 13.
Grammar features in Java 9
New static methods for creating immutable collections:
List<Integer> list = List.of(1, 2, 3); Set<Double> set = Set.of(1.2, 4.2); Map<String, String> map = Map.of("key1", "value1", "key2", "value2");
Stream method in Optional class:
Stream<String> stream = Optional.of("sth").stream();
Private methods in interfaces:
public interface Example { default String method1() { return priv().toUpperCase(); } default String method2() { return priv().toLowerCase(); } private String priv() { return "Test"; } }
Grammar features in Java 10
Local variable type inference:
var list = List.of(1, 2, 3);
Non-argument method orElseThrow in Optional class:
var value = Optional.of(v).orElseThrow();
Grammar features in Java 11
The var syntax for lambda parameters (it’s required to apply annotation for arguments):
BiFunction<String, String, String> concat = (@Nullable var s1, @Nullable var s2) -> s1 + s2;
Helpful methods for read/write String from/to files:
var path = Files.writeString(path, "Test string");
New methods in the String class: isBlank, repeat, lines:
System.out.println("".isBlank()); //true System.out.println("\n".isBlank()); //true System.out.println(" ".isBlank()); //true System.out.println("test".isBlank()); //false
System.out.println("*".repeat(3)); //***
System.out.println("a\nb\nc".lines().count()); //3
Grammar features in Java 12
Switch expression:
var nextStage = switch(stage) { case "NEW" -> "OPEN"; case "OPEN" -> "IN_PROGRESS"; case "IN_PROGRESS" -> "DONE"; default -> "ERROR"; };
Transform method in the String class:
var i = rawValue.transform(Integer::parseInt);
Grammar features in Java 13
Changes in switch expression:
var nextStage = switch(stage) { case "NEW": yield "OPEN"; case "OPEN": yield "IN_PROGRESS"; case "IN_PROGRESS": yield "DONE"; default: yield "ERROR"; };
Multi-lines String:
var json = """ { "test": "value" } """;
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