Example of Java benchmark tests using JMH


Recently I published on GitHub new library: json-path-mapper. In shortcut it is library to mapping custom Json fields to java data object. Main API have two map methods: the first map every field sequential, the second map parallel. So it’s important to check when first method works better and when second.

Using JMH

JMH (Java Microbenchmark Harness) is a benchmark library for JVM applications. Using it we can e.g. measure time of execution our code. JMH is quiet easy to use. When we have Gradle project it’s even easier. The only think with we must add is jmh-gradle-plugin. On plugin repository site is complete instruction for installation and configuration this plugin, so I don’t repeat it here. You can also see example of complete configuration of this plugin in my library.

Making benchmark tests in Java

As I mentioned above I want to check performance for two versions of mapping algorithm: sequential and parallel. The results can be different depend on map fields amount and fields validation and mapper expensive, so I must test various combinations.

The complete benchmark test:

package pl.dmarciniak.jsonpathmapper.benchmark;

import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.*;
import pl.dmarciniak.jsonpathmapper.FieldMapper;
import pl.dmarciniak.jsonpathmapper.JsonPathMapper;
import pl.dmarciniak.jsonpathmapper.JsonPathMapperBuilder;
import pl.dmarciniak.jsonpathmapper.benchmark.data.helper.JmhResourceLoader;

import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.function.Function;

import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.*;

public class MappingManyValuesBenchmark {

    @Param({"5", "10", "50", "100", "500", "1000"})
    private int valuesAmount;

    @Param({"0", "1"})
    private int fieldMappingTimeMs;

    private String json;

    private JsonPathMapper<Integer> mapper;

    private Function<Integer, Integer> fieldMapperEmulator;

    public void before() {
        json = JmhResourceLoader.load("json/big.json");

        fieldMapperEmulator = (i) -> {
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                throw new RuntimeException(e);
            return i;

        JsonPathMapperBuilder<AtomicInteger> builder = JsonPathMapper.forClass(AtomicInteger.class).initialize(AtomicInteger::new);
        for (int i = 1; i <= valuesAmount; ++i) {
            builder.mapField(FieldMapper.fromPath("$.test.i" + i, Integer.class).toGetterField(AtomicInteger::addAndGet).withMapper(fieldMapperEmulator));
        mapper = builder.buildWithResultMapper(AtomicInteger::get);

        assertThat(mapper.map(json)).isEqualTo(((1 + valuesAmount) * valuesAmount) / 2);
        assertThat(mapper.parallelMap(json)).isEqualTo(((1 + valuesAmount) * valuesAmount) / 2);


    public Integer sequentialMap() {
        return mapper.map(json);

    public Integer parallelMap() {
        return mapper.parallelMap(json);

As you see, writing benchmark tests is quite easy. Similarly to unit tests frameworks, the JMH also provides specific annotations to configure benchmark tests. I describe some of them.

@Param annotation inject values to variables. In my example I want to check various numbers of map operations (valuesAmount) and check performance for different mapper algorithm expensive (fieldMappingTimeMs).

Method with @Setup annotation is running before every test. It’s good place to initialize some values. I also test here whether mapping algorithms work fine, because I don’t want do that in benchmark tests.

Methods with tests are annotated @Benchmark. It’s a good practice that these methods returns result of tests. It’s protect before JVM code optimization.

To run benchmark tests we only must run the command:

./gradlew clean jmh

Above command run 24 benchmark tests (6 various of valuesAmount * 2 various of fieldMappingTimeMs * 2 tests ). The whole test takes about 40 minutes. And the result is something like this:

Benchmark                                 (fieldMappingTimeMs)  (valuesAmount)  Mode  Cnt     Score     Error  Units
MappingManyValuesBenchmark.parallelMap                       0               5  avgt    5     0.146 ±   0.014  ms/op
MappingManyValuesBenchmark.parallelMap                       0              10  avgt    5     0.148 ±   0.011  ms/op
MappingManyValuesBenchmark.parallelMap                       0              50  avgt    5     0.223 ±   0.001  ms/op
MappingManyValuesBenchmark.parallelMap                       0             100  avgt    5     0.391 ±   0.006  ms/op
MappingManyValuesBenchmark.parallelMap                       0             500  avgt    5     2.789 ±   0.016  ms/op
MappingManyValuesBenchmark.parallelMap                       0            1000  avgt    5    10.261 ±   0.042  ms/op
MappingManyValuesBenchmark.parallelMap                       1               5  avgt    5     1.791 ±   0.162  ms/op
MappingManyValuesBenchmark.parallelMap                       1              10  avgt    5     2.895 ±   0.019  ms/op
MappingManyValuesBenchmark.parallelMap                       1              50  avgt    5     8.680 ±   0.083  ms/op
MappingManyValuesBenchmark.parallelMap                       1             100  avgt    5    17.564 ±   0.137  ms/op
MappingManyValuesBenchmark.parallelMap                       1             500  avgt    5    88.303 ±   2.604  ms/op
MappingManyValuesBenchmark.parallelMap                       1            1000  avgt    5   179.305 ±   4.142  ms/op
MappingManyValuesBenchmark.sequentialMap                     0               5  avgt    5     0.119 ±   0.002  ms/op
MappingManyValuesBenchmark.sequentialMap                     0              10  avgt    5     0.123 ±   0.001  ms/op
MappingManyValuesBenchmark.sequentialMap                     0              50  avgt    5     0.171 ±   0.001  ms/op
MappingManyValuesBenchmark.sequentialMap                     0             100  avgt    5     0.256 ±   0.002  ms/op
MappingManyValuesBenchmark.sequentialMap                     0             500  avgt    5     0.694 ±   0.005  ms/op
MappingManyValuesBenchmark.sequentialMap                     0            1000  avgt    5     1.328 ±   0.018  ms/op
MappingManyValuesBenchmark.sequentialMap                     1               5  avgt    5     6.253 ±   0.029  ms/op
MappingManyValuesBenchmark.sequentialMap                     1              10  avgt    5    12.060 ±   0.034  ms/op
MappingManyValuesBenchmark.sequentialMap                     1              50  avgt    5    59.625 ±   0.403  ms/op
MappingManyValuesBenchmark.sequentialMap                     1             100  avgt    5   119.110 ±   1.518  ms/op
MappingManyValuesBenchmark.sequentialMap                     1             500  avgt    5   614.544 ± 244.647  ms/op
MappingManyValuesBenchmark.sequentialMap                     1            1000  avgt    5  1175.224 ±  86.706  ms/op

Analysis and conclusions

To better illustration the result I organized data in two tables.

Low expensive field mapper algorithm:

Amount of map fieldsTime of sequential mapTime of parallel map
5~ 0.119 ms~ 0.146 ms
10~ 0.123 ms~ 0.148 ms
50~ 0.171 ms~ 0.223 ms
100~ 0.256 ms~ 0.391 ms
500~ 0.694 ms~ 2.789 ms
1000~ 1.328 ms~ 10.261 ms

High expensive field mapper algorithm:

Amount of map fieldsTime of sequential mapTime of parallel map
5~ 6.253 ms~ 1.791 ms
10~ 12.060 ms~ 2.895 ms
50~ 59.625 ms~ 8.680 ms
100~ 119.110 ms~ 17.564 ms
500~ 614.544 ms~ 88.303 ms
1000~ 1175.224 ms~ 179.305 ms

The results little surprising me. Sequential algorithm work better even if we map many fields. Additionally above 100 fields the parallel algorithm has serious problem with performance. Only when we have expensive field mapper or validation algorithm then parallel map can be better. It’s very important hint and I can add this conclusion to library documentation.

So benchmark tests have been very helpful and it’s a good lesson that it’s better to test something than guess.

The complete example you can see in json-path-mapper library repository.