Here you can read my CV and learn about my abilities and work experience. You can also find out about my career and private software development projects. At present I am focused on expanding and perfecting my skills in using JVM technology. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me through the contact form.
10+ years of commercial experience
15+ commercial projects in finance, media, e-commerce
Numerous certificates, completed courses and training, books in the IT field read
Engineer and Master of Computer Science Degree
I like IT!
Many open source projects
programming languages
Kotlin, Java (6-19), Scala, Groovy, Go, JavaScript, PHP, Python, C++, Assembler
Akka, EJB, Spring MVC, JSF, JSP, Grails, Django, Zend
programming libraries
Kotlin Coroutines, Kotest, Mockk, RxJava, Hibernate, JdbcTemplate, RabbitMQ, Kafka, Kafka Streams, Spring, Spring Security, Thrift, Javaslang, Joda-Time, Apache Commons (FileUpload, Imaging, Email), PrimeFaces, RichFaces, jQuery
MongoDB, Oracle Database 11g (knowledge of PL/SQL), PostgreSQL, MySQL, Cassandra, Elasticsearch, Redisson
cloud platforms & containers technology
GCP, Azure, OpenShift, Docker, Kubernetes
operation systems
Linux (administrative level), MacOS, Windows
control version systems
Git, Bazaar, Mercurial, SVN
application servers
WildFly, JBoss, Tomcat, GlassFish, WebSphere
additional softwares
Jira, Miro, IntelliJ IDEA, NetBeans, Eclipse, Vim, Enterprise Architect, StarUML, MS Visio, MS Project, Pencil
Intermediate level
Very good knowledge of software engineering, agile programming methodologies, desing patterns, DDD, TDD, intellectual property and copyright laws
Senior Architect
Senior Kotlin Developer
Senior JVM Developer, Technical Team Leader function
Senior Java Developer
Contractor in ING Bank Śląski S.A.
Senior JAVA Developer
Senior Developer, Web Application Architect
Trainee, employee of technical department
Presentation and defense of MA thesis: “The overview and comparison of classifiers used in biometrics using the example of dynamic typing”, grade: very good, degree: a Master's of the Computer Science.
Faculty: computer science, specialisation: Information Security in Computer Systems, Master's degree – EU grant and rector grant for the best students.
Presentation and defense of an engineering thesis: “Generating strategy using selected algorithms”, grade: very good, degree: a Engineer of the Computer Science.
Faculty: computer science, specialisation: Software Engineering and Network Systems, engineering studies – grant for academic performance.